
The NEJSDS welcome submissions including (but not limited to) the following types.

  • Methodology Article: Novel statistical, analytical, computational and data management/manipulation methods.
  • Case Studies, Applications and Practice Article: Innovative applications of existing methods and practices in real-life studies.
  • Timely Review Article: Review and summary of notable developments in quantitative methods, software, data management, and other noteworthy aspects.
  • Commentaries and Historical Perspectives: Perspectives of important research topics and historical notes.
  • Software Tutorials and Reviews: Educational notes on the step-by-step use of new software packages and insightful comments and suggestions about their pros and cons.
  • Section Editors are invited by the Editor-in-Chief, and each Section Editor or Section co-Editors form their own editorial board. The Section Editors will independently make the final decisions of accepting/rejecting papers in their sections based on the merits. The journal currently has the following sections:

    Cancer Research

    Co-Editors: Yuan Ji (, University of Chicago and Ying Lu (, Stanford University

    Engineering Science

    Co-Editors: Feng Guo (, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Ying Hung (, Rutgers University


    Editor: Moinak Bhaduri (, Bentley University


    Editor: Haim Bar (, University of Connecticut

    Statistical Methodology

    Editor: Grace Yi (, Western University