Call for a Special Issue of the New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science on "Data Science and AI in Pharma"

The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science (NEJSDS) invites submissions to a special issue of "Data Science and AI in Pharma". The main theme of this special issue is the use of data science and AI in pharmaceutical industry. We welcome manuscripts in case study, original research, commentary, or research communication related to the main theme.

Manuscripts for this special issue should be submitted by December 31, 2024 via the journal online submission portal:

Please indicate that the submission is for the special issue in the online submission portal.

Topics of interest include (but not limited to) the use of data science and AI in:

  • Drug discovery
  • Digital health
  • Pharmacovigilance and patient safety
  • Clinical development
  • Clinical operations
  • Regulatory
  • Commercial and Marketing
  • CMC

The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science (NEJSDS) is proud to be a pioneer in the reform of the traditional peer review process by implementing a new hybrid journal review process. In this new review process, authors have the option to supply referee reports invited by the authors, as a supplement to the traditional review reports led by the editorial board. The decisions will take into consideration both review reports initiated by the authors and the reports initiated by the editorial board. If any authors choose to provide open reviews for their articles, please mention it in the cover letter and upload the review reports (including the information of reviewers’ affiliations and email addresses) as supplementary materials when submitting the article.

If you have any questions or have a pre-submission inquiry, please feel free to contact us.

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